From Laura Beaton, President and Director of the ICCPS NA Branch:
“The North America Branch of International Chinese Calligraph and Ink Paint Society (ICCPS NA) wishes to share it new website promoting artists practicing: Sumi-e, Chinese Calligraphy, Shodo and Chinese Brush Painting.
The ICCPS arts organization is based in Tokyo, Japan and has branches throughout the world. Our organization is unique as any qualified artist may apply to any branch, regardless of country of residence. That is how our North America Branch now includes artists from at least 8 countries (Europe, The Netherlands, Australia, Argentina, Croatia, Hungary, etc.).
We bring artists together from all cultures for a common goal – the love of art. See both Traditional and Contemporary paintings.
We are looking to grow our membership, as well as share the opportunities for collectors to find high calibre sumi artists.
Please visit www.iccpsna.com for more info or contact Laura Beaton iccps.na.director@gmail.com“