From Ontario Creates:

Submission deadlines:

January 31, 2025 – for titles published in November and December 2024

Submissions for the Trillium Book Award for eligible titles published in 2024 (and 2023 titles for the Trillium Book Award for Children’s Literature in French language only) are now being accepted by Ontario Creates.

Guidelines and Submission Forms:

Complete Guidelines and the link to submission forms are posted on the Ontario

Creates website:

Publishers should note that:

 one (1) eBook of each title in EPUB or PDF format must be uploaded to Ontario Creates’ online submission form

 two (2) paper copies of each title must be submitted along with a hard copy completed submission form 

 publishers are responsible for ensuring that the author(s) of titles being submitted meet the residence eligibility criteria as outlined in the guidelines.

Please allow sufficient time for postal delivery. Due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to confirm receipt of parcels. We recommend that you use a traceable shipping method so that you can track the progress of your package.

If you are not the person in your company who handles award submissions, could you kindly forward this email accordingly to the appropriate person as soon as possible.

For further information, please send an inquiry to or contact:

Ontario Creates

175 Bloor Street East | South Tower | Suite 501 Toronto | Ontario M4W 3R8

Main phone: 416-314-6858