From Connie Munson, event organizer:

“Behind the scenes with THIS CONTACT! takes their Artful Community on a summer tour showcasing winners, endorsers, sponsors, & organizer from the 2nd annual FORMS, FACES & SPACES, figuratively speaking! Exhibition proudly part of the 27th Scotiabank CONTACT Festival.

First Stop – Café Gallery at Heather’s Bakery Café at 103 Main Street South in Georgetown is the first stop on this bonus tour, Behind the scenes with THIS CONTACT! The show hangs here all of June 2023 before moving on to Shopper’s World to hang in Visual Art Brampton’s Artway Gallery.

Hanging in the show are four of the award winning pieces from the 2nd annual FORMS, FACES & SPACES, figuratively speaking! show: Marlon Porter’s photograph, The Unseen, which took 1st Place, the 3rd Place Award painting of Sherry Park’s, Portrait of Marie Kearns, the Honorable Mention photograph of Micheline Godbout, Indelible No. 2, and the People’s Choice of Sherry Prenevost’s photograph, Indigenous Elder.

Also on display is the Artful Community tribute placard, which gives an informative peek behind the scenes of who and what groups in a community give their support for mounting a show. The endorsing groups for 2023 were Arts on the Credit and
Visual Arts Brampton, while the sponsors that made it possible for awards and the dance and music performances, were Jeffery Group Real Estate and Health in Hands Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic.

Organizer and photographer Connie Munson is sharing pieces from her Archival Collection: Analogue Meets Digital World, when she shot a lot of Kodachrome 64 slide film. These and the B&W analogue photography pieces are part of a larger body of work, Candid & Casual Captures, a collection of portraiture portraying every day moments.

People are invited to Meet the Artists on Tuesday, June 13, from 2:30 – 4:00 pm, where you can continue to explore this visual conversation of the human condition, with iconic images that capture the rhythm and routines of our daily lives. And yes,
the ginger snaps are on the show’s organizer.”