It’s coming and they are talking about us already!  FORMS, FACES & SPACES, figuratively speaking! is making a splash before the show has even opened.  April 3 headline from a piece by Mansoor Tanweer in Halton Hills Today was …

Halton Hills will soon be part of world’s largest photography festival

and April 25 the headline in the Orangeville Citizen article by Constance Scrafield was …

Figuratively Speaking’ art show returning to region

So we want to make sure your read all about it, hear all about it, and don’t miss out on all the fun with the third annual show and its inaugural Festival of ARTFUL Communities!

The first two openings for the show are May 4 and 5 at respectively the Pond Gallery in the Alton Mill Arts Centre in Alton and the Uppper Sisnett Lobby of the Helson Gallery in Georgetown.  There is music at both openings and a presentation by photographer Monique Campbell on her candid captures with street photography at the Helson. Visitors and exhibitors can mix and mingle while enjoying the rich ambience of the eclectic extravagance of the photography and other fine art in the 3rd annual FORMS, FACES & SPACES, figuratively speaking! exhibit.

The festival kicks off on May 1 with a workshop at the Melville White Church; Jessie Chui with paper flowers, Icelandic Poppies from her Everlasting Flowers series.  Saturday, May 4, from 1 -2:00 pm at the Melville you can talk with photographers Frank Myers and Rolly Astrom about their CAMEO Mini-Display, 2 Perspectives.

The beat goes on as the following week there are visiting artists, a Plein Air Demo, and more workshops!  The Melville White Church is the third gallery for the exhibit and the “HUB” of the festival.  You can easily do a day trip from one gallery in Georgetown up to the Melville, just four minutes south of Belfountain on Mississauga Road, then another 15 minutes from to the Pond Gallery in Alton.

With much ado about a lot of  performance based art, hands-on creative workshops, some free and others ticketed, and inspirational work from 60 artists across Canada in the three galleries and St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Norval – Head to the Hills in Caledon and Halton and be part of a community where the arts come out to play!

EXPLORE     EXPERIENCE      ENJOY      It can be a road trip to remember as you discover the warmth and charm of rural and small town Ontario less than an hour’s drive from Mississauga and Toronto. And all of May there is the added excitement of the third annual exhibit and premiere festival.

You can check out the full Events Schedule HERE