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The life long goal of Sybil Rampen has been to create a cultural legacy on her family farm to educate and inspire future generations. Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre, with its early Canadian buildings is an oasis to those seeking tranquility and a sense of well-being. The art gallery was originally an 1827 barn. It was restored as a tribute to the pioneers who settled on this land in 1810. So much heritage is disappearing. Sybil’s focus is to preserve and pay tribute to the settlers and farmers who came here with a few tools and their bare hands. They cleared the land, built houses, raised families and have many stories to tell. The 20,000-year-old glacier creek drains all the surrounding land into Lake Ontario. This is an important factor and the Conservation Authority of Canada has many laws to protect creek land from development. Over the years Sybil built additions on the back of the house; an art studio, a loft, a workshop, and in 2006 the Winter Garden connecting it all together. Much of the furniture is pine and of the period. Sybil’s intent is to leave future generations the gift of a Living Museum. In 2007 the barn, with its hand-hewn beams, was moved on to new foundations and rebuilt to become an art gallery. The foyer was added as well as a large catering kitchen. A giant porch was constructed using beams from the barn next door. Upstairs is the research library and office. Various functions and activities bring life to Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre. The large Labyrinth, modeled after Chartres Cathedral, is a mown path in a world class meadow. The gardens and lawns are extensive and the recently built gazebo is a place for weddings. Trees are continually planted on the property, often in memory of loved ones, to preserve the natural beauty of the property and provide habitat for wildlife. With the ongoing urbanization of the town, traffic, and loss of countryside, the vision for Joshua Creek Heritage Art is to be an oasis, a reminder of the history of this wonderful country.
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Business (Including venues)
Performance Venue, Gallery
Joshua Creek Heritage Arts Centre
The life long goal of Sybil Rampen has been to create a cultural legacy on her family farm to educate and inspire future generations. Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre, with its early Canadian buildings is an oasis to those seeking tranquility and a sense of well-being. The art gallery was originally an 1827 barn. It was restored as a tribute to the pioneers who settled on this land in 1810.

So much heritage is disappearing. Sybil’s focus is to preserve and pay tribute to the settlers and farmers who came here with a few tools and their bare hands. They cleared the land, built houses, raised families and have many stories to tell. The 20,000-year-old glacier creek drains all the surrounding land into Lake Ontario. This is an important factor and the Conservation Authority of Canada has many laws to protect creek land from development.

Over the years Sybil built additions on the back of the house; an art studio, a loft, a workshop, and in 2006 the Winter Garden connecting it all together. Much of the furniture is pine and of the period. Sybil’s intent is to leave future generations the gift of a Living Museum.

In 2007 the barn, with its hand-hewn beams, was moved on to new foundations and rebuilt to become an art gallery. The foyer was added as well as a large catering kitchen. A giant porch was constructed using beams from the barn next door. Upstairs is the research library and office. Various functions and activities bring life to Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre. The large Labyrinth, modeled after Chartres Cathedral, is a mown path in a world class meadow. The gardens and lawns are extensive and the recently built gazebo is a place for weddings. Trees are continually planted on the property, often in memory of loved ones, to preserve the natural beauty of the property and provide habitat for wildlife. With the ongoing urbanization of the town, traffic, and loss of countryside, the vision for Joshua Creek Heritage Art is to be an oasis, a reminder of the history of this wonderful country.

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