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Sima is a Pakistani Canadian artist who works with multiple mediums with a focus on animation, painting and illustration. I enjoy making playful creations that come alive and make the viewer feel engaged and foster emotions of pure childhood happiness. I try to bring urgency to my work and have won multiple time-sensitive art competitions. I want to combine my love for all art mediums into mixed media, installations, and films. I am always looking for new and creative ways to share my artistic knowledge and love for creative expression.
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Sima is a Pakistani Canadian artist who works with multiple mediums with a focus on animation, painting and illustration. I enjoy making playful creations that come alive and make the viewer feel engaged and foster emotions of pure childhood happiness. I try to bring urgency to my work and have won multiple time-sensitive art competitions. I want to combine my love for all art mediums into mixed media, installations, and films. I am always looking for new and creative ways to share my artistic knowledge and love for creative expression.
